I'm skdmrkz (maiden name k0iyer) and I draw mainly my own characters. In my spare time I like hiking, driving, and finding weird places to explore. All of my surrounding scenary inspires my art, and I hope to make a comic one day that has a lot of similarities to where I grew up.
Currently, I'm a high school student. I do a lot of volunteer work + I have 2 jobs (food service & comic book store) so I'm usually pretty busy. Don't let that deter you from reaching out, I love talking to new people :]


How long have you been drawing?

I started drawing dragons when I was little, and I never stopped. I've been drawing for my whole life, but started taking it seriously in eighth grade.

What brushes do you use?

For my paintings, I used the rossdraws flat brush in one of his packs. For lined drawings, I used a modified studio pen or true grit brush. I also have a few I made myself. I also use a gel pen a lot.
Whatever I can get my grubby fingers on. I like watercolor and guache the most, but I've painted in acrylic and oil before. Normally I sketch in ball point pen, I rarely use pencil.

Can I draw your characters?

YES!!!!!!!! Feel free to draw them interacting with yours too :] just no nsfw please haha






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